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RBI के निर्देशानुसार बैंक द्वारा दिए गए 'magnetic strip' debit card दिनांक 01/01/2019 से बंद कर दिए गए है| ग्राहक उक्त कार्ड के स्थान पर नए 'secure emv chip' debit card अपनी शाखा से प्राप्त करें|

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The Bundi Central Co-operative Bank Ltd. ” was registered as a Co-operative society under Rajasthan Cooperative Societies Act IV of 1953 on 27 DECEMBER 1957 with Registration Number 216/G. Bank Started its operation from 01/05/1958 RBI issued License RPCD(JPR) CO-OP 05.

Bank later on started loaning for agriculture helping activities and non-agriculture activities other than crop loan. Bank at present providing all types of loan, banking facilities in urban & rural areas through its 11 branches with HO fully computerized including with RTGS, NEFT, ECS etc. facilities.

Bank is affiliated with 167 working PACS .Bank continuously working with providing credit through its attractive schemes to farmers, SHG, JLG etc. in both of rural & urban areas .In addition to that also facilitating the benefits of different insurance schemes launched by central/ state Government.

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